Wednesday, 27 September 2023

I never updated this.

 I don’t know day it is since I started this. But I should let you know what happened. 

I tried I really tried for a few years to get pregnant. I took clomid in varying doses for a few months and it didn’t make me ovulate. 

I mentioned that Americans took Letrozole to the clinic and they prescribed that. I then did ovulate. 

But 6 months of taking it and I didn’t get pregnant. 

I cried and I cried and I cried.

I realised that at 42 I wasn’t going to get pregnant so I gave up. I sold all the baby stuff and I finally booked our wedding. I jacked in my job which I’d hated but kept so I’d have the maternity benefits.

It took 2 months but I found a job paying £10k more for a bigger company. I was happy and started there. I was just about to turn 43 and got a job I liked at a good company and we were finally getting married. 

Second week there I felt a bit funny so sod it I took a test. I was pregnant. 

I walked down the aisle 8months pregnant. 

My beautiful baby girl was born November 2019. We named her Victoria and she is perfect. 

Our family is now complete. I’m 47 now. She will start school next year. She’s smily and happy and opinionated. She is loved. I mourn sometimes that I’m menopausal and can’t have another. Hubs and I occasionally say if we were 10 years younger we would try again.

I am however happy with my lot in life. I feel blessed and grateful for all that I have.

I’m the small percentage that have a happy ending. If you end up reading this, then I wish that for you too. 

Good luck