Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Day 11- 30/03/2016

Last week I came down with a horrible bug. I was vomiting and had crippling diarrhoea. 
It is the first day since my beautiful daughter was born that I struggled. I found looking after a baby when so poorly really hard. My fiancé was at work and my family on holiday. There was nothing to do but endure. 
The result is that I got really worried about the practical implications of a second baby. I had a cry to be honest.
Today I finally had my appointment at hospital with the bum nurse. I'm sure she has a very high brow sounding title. The reality is she is a nurse specialising in bums. I had to have two particularly unpleasant tests. The result was I'm fine after giving birth, but the advice is if I do get pregnant again then it would be best to have a cesarian section rather than risk another vaginal birth due to the damage I have. 
I'm currently 10dpo (10 days past ovulation) and planning on testing this weekend.
Fingers crossed.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Day 5- 24/3/16

I'm currently at deaths door with a sickness and diarrhoea bug.
However, my little daughter doesn't know that and wants to be entertained in between dashes to the loo.
Normal service will be resumed shortly.
Fingers Crossed!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Day 3- 22/3/16

I've been trying to find out the answer to a question I have. Buggered if I can get a straight answer from anyone.
Can I take folic acid if I'm breastfeeding?
I've started taking it, as a couple of websites have said its okay. I don't generally like to use "the internet said its fine" as an answer but even a healthcare professional pointed me in the direction of "the breastfeeding network"
Yes, I'm greedy. I do already have a child. If you hadn't got that from the blog's title then, well you're a dumbass!
My DD (dear daughter stupid  trying to
conceive acronyms) is 5 months old.
After spending my entire adult life trying not to get pregnant it comes as somewhat of a shock to find out you're barren.
Of course, I am not barren. I've got a daughter. But when, after extensive tests, I was told I had barely any eggs left. The word barren flashes in your head.
My beautiful daughter is a miracle, conceived just prior to starting IVF.
I would love to have the luxury of time. However, I have Mother Nature at my ear and so I need to start trying now. Hoping there is at least one good egg left and I may soon be blessed again.
Fingers Crossed

Monday, 21 March 2016

Day 2. 21/5/2016

So I'm not feeling pregnant yet.
Not really surprising I suppose.

I suspect you are a little bit curious about me. I am not expecting this to be an easy journey as I am 39 years old, due to turn 40 in April. I have a very low egg count, so that's shitty.

I AM taking my folic acid, and I plan start tracking my ovulation after my next period.

I don't really think I will be lucky and get pregnant, but I know that I will spend the rest of my life regretting it if at least we don't try.

Curious face of the day it is actually my fiancé who was the incentive for us to start trying.

So fingers crossed.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Day 1- the start of a journey.

Day 1
I'm calling today day 1. It's not the first day of my period, but I'm thinking of today as day 1 as this week I stopped taking the pill.
My fiancé and I agreed it was time to start trying for a baby and my current pill pack finished on Monday. So that's it. I. Am officially trying for a baby.
With this in mind, I pulled out the big guns and shaved my legs yesterday morning.
I then stripped off pyjamas and socks (oh I know to live it up) and seduced him this morning.
According to my tracker, I should be fertile about now.
So now we wait.
It's unlikely I'll get pregnant straight away. In all honesty the though of the tww (two week wait) fills me with dread.
It's so very easy to get obsessed with baby making.